Archivo de la etiqueta: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

La petite fille qui faisait rire Dieu, Préciada Azancot



Toute une génération a vécu amoureuse du Petit Prince d´Antoine de Saint Exupéry et continue de rêver de lui.  En ce moment arrive, reprenant le relais –car l´auteur de cette nouvelle naissait lorsque le premier disparaissait dans le ciel-, l´auteur de cette oeuvre pour enfants de tout âge (très spécialement en âge d´être grands parents) pour leur donner La petite fille qui faisait rire Dieu. Amoureuse du Petit Prince Grande et admiratrice de son créateur, elle lui a modelé une petite princesse afin qu´il ne se retire plus de notre planète.

Préciada Azancot, connue comme créatrice du MAT (Métamodèle d´Analyse Transformationnelle), dont nous trouverons les livres dans cette même maison d´édition, rend possible le rêve du Petit Prince sur cette terre: y trouver l´harmonie, la clarté, la corporalité, la métamorphose, l´âme et l´esprit, jadis égarés sur cette planète.

Le récit montre comment, une petite fille, tombée du règne des anges, apporte les lois du ciel à cette terre où elle arrive à la recherche de son petit prince, pour construire ici bas ce paradis à deux que l´on appelle couple.

Pour ce faire, elle le cherche dans le Sahara, puis à Paris, puis à New York, puis à Pékin, puis à Bénarès, puis à Rome, avant de le trouver, à la fin du récit, là où elle ne l´espérait plus.

En attendant, la petite fille a déjà donné les clefs apportées du paradis aux habitants de touts ces endroits.

Le Petit Prince nous apporte, depuis les étoiles, la part que l´homme se doit de fournir pour rendre ce monde meilleur. La petite fille nous rend, dans un siècle illuminé par l´espoir en la femme, les clefs qui correspondent à la femme afin qu´ensemble ils puissent –sans d´abord mourir pour ce faire- retourner au jardin d´Eden.

Un récit qui émeut, amuse, enseigne et, surtout, nous fait retourner aux origines et aux essences communes à tous les anges, et ainsi, nous réjouit la vie.

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La niña que hacía reír a Dios, de Preciada Azancot


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«Toda una generación ha vivido enamorada de El Principito de Antoine de Saint Exupery y sigue soñando con él. Ahora llega, retomando la antorcha -pues ella nació casi cuando él desapareció en el cielo- la autora de esta novela corta para los niños de todas las edades -muy en especial en edad de ser abuelos- para traerles «La niña que hacía reír a Dios».

Gran admiradora y enamorada del Principito, le creó a una Princesita para él, para que no se vuelva a ir de nuestro mundo.

Preciada Azancot, muy conocida como la creadora del MAT (Metamodelo de Análisis Transformacional), cuyos libros encontraremos en esta misma editorial, hizo posible el sueño del Principito en esta tierra: encontrar, la armonía, claridad, corporalidad, metamorfosis, alma y espíritu, extraviados en este planeta.

El relato muestra cómo una niña, caída del reino de los ángeles, aporta la leyes del cielo a esta tierra y busca a su principito, a su alma gemela, para construir con él ese paraíso de dos que se llama pareja.

Para ello, lo busca en el desierto, luego en Paris, luego en Nueva York, luego en Pekín, luego en Benarés, luego en Roma, encontrándolo por fin, al final del relato, donde menos se lo esperaba. Mientras encuentra a su amado, la niña entrega a cada capital y a sus habitantes las claves que trajo del paraíso.

El Principito nos trae, desde las estrellas, la parte que al hombre corresponde traer para hacer este mundo mejor. La Niña aporta, en un siglo iluminado por la esperanza en la mujer, las claves que corresponden traer a la mujer para que, juntos y unidos puedan retornar, sin tener que morir para ello, al jardín del Edén.

Un relato que conmueve, divierte, enseña y sobre todo nos hace regresar a los orígenes y esencias que todos los ángeles comparten, alegrándonos la vida. Un libro maravilloso y sabio, para todas las edades.»

Vea nuestro vídeo-presentación del libro (en inglés):

The Little Girl who made God Laugh

«The little girl who made God laugh» published, for the first time, from the USA

«The little girl who made God laugh» by Preciada Azancot, published, for the first time, directly in the USA, through the Amazon holding.

Now the book is in paperback format for all our american friends! Click on the front-cover to know more about it!

The little girl who made God laugh

The little girl who made God laugh, by Preciada Azancot

A timeless classic of tomorrow, within your reach today


This short novel, written for all ages, is a masterpiece that every grandparent should give to their children and enjoy with their grandchildren.

It tells the story of the little girl who lands on earth in search of her soul mate and reminds us of The Little Prince in a world marked today by hope in womankind, allowing us to experience beneficial options for the world, to renew ourselves, flow, enjoy, find truth, discover new paths, plan, reveal our irresistible power and bear witness to a better world made in the image and likeness of the most exalted human potential, in all places and for all ages.

This journey of initiation, led by The Girl who made God Laugh, written in an amusing, friendly, fresh, essential, pure, profound and accessible style, will reveal that it is possible for us to anticipate and enjoy the keys of the kingdom of the wisest human being, not only along the route of the heroine’s pilgrimage through the Sahara, Paris, New York, China, Italy and Provence but anywhere in the world.

A book destined to become a classic that will in the future inspire the best directors of films, cartoons, comics and documentaries.

 Be among the first readers, you are only a click away from enjoying it!

 Please, click on Paperback if you want a paperback copy ($13.50) or on Kindle if you want a Kindle copy ($4).

We guarantee you a safe purchase through

Synopsis: An entire generation has lived enamoured of The Little Prince written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry and continues to dream about him. And now, taking over the torch – since she was born almost when he disappeared into the sky – the author of this short novel for children of all ages – especially the age of grandparents – arrives to bring us The Little Girl Who Made God Laugh. A great admirer and lover of the Little Prince, she has created a Little Princess for him, so that he never has to leave our world again.

Preciada Azancot, renowned as the creator of MAT (Metamodel of Transformational Analysis), whose books are available from the same Publishers, has made the Little Prince’s dream for this world a reality: finding the harmony, clarity, corporality, metamorphosis, soul and spirit, lost on this planet.

The story tells how a little girl, fallen from the kingdom of the angels, brings the laws of heaven to this earth and searches for her little prince, her twin soul, in order to build with him that paradise for two called a couple.

To do this, she seeks him in the desert, then in Paris, then in New York, then in Peking, then in Benares, then in Rome, finding him at last, at the end of the tale, where she least expects it.

While she seeks her loved one, the girl gives each capital and its inhabitants the keys she brought from Paradise.

From the stars, The Little Prince provided the elements that man has to supply to make this world better. In a century illuminated by hope in womanhood, The Little Girl provides the keys that woman has to supply, so that together and united they may return, without having to die, to the Garden of Eden.

A story that is moving, entertaining, educational and above all takes us back to the origins and essences that all angels share, enriching our lives.

A wonderful and wise book for all ages.

The little girl who made God laugh

A timeless classic of tomorrow, within your reach today


This short novel, written for all ages, is a masterpiece that every grandparent should give to their children and enjoy with their grandchildren.

It tells the story of the little girl who lands on earth in search of her soul mate and reminds us of The Little Prince in a world marked today by hope in womankind, allowing us to experience beneficial options for the world, to renew ourselves, flow, enjoy, find truth, discover new paths, plan, reveal our irresistible power and bear witness to a better world made in the image and likeness of the most exalted human potential, in all places and for all ages.

This journey of initiation, led by The Girl who made God Laugh, written in an amusing, friendly, fresh, essential, pure, profound and accessible style, will reveal that it is possible for us to anticipate and enjoy the keys of the kingdom of the wisest human being, not only along the route of the heroine’s pilgrimage through the Sahara, Paris, New York, China, Italy and Provence but anywhere in the world.

A book destined to become a classic that will in the future inspire the best directors of films, cartoons, comics and documentaries.

 Be among the first readers, you are only a click away from enjoying it!

 Please, click on Paperback if you want a paperback copy ($13.50) or on Kindle if you want a Kindle copy ($4).

We guarantee you a safe purchase through

Synopsis: An entire generation has lived enamoured of The Little Prince written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry and continues to dream about him. And now, taking over the torch – since she was born almost when he disappeared into the sky – the author of this short novel for children of all ages – especially the age of grandparents – arrives to bring us The Little Girl Who Made God Laugh. A great admirer and lover of the Little Prince, she has created a Little Princess for him, so that he never has to leave our world again.

Preciada Azancot, renowned as the creator of MAT (Metamodel of Transformational Analysis), whose books are available from the same Publishers, has made the Little Prince’s dream for this world a reality: finding the harmony, clarity, corporality, metamorphosis, soul and spirit, lost on this planet.

The story tells how a little girl, fallen from the kingdom of the angels, brings the laws of heaven to this earth and searches for her little prince, her twin soul, in order to build with him that paradise for two called a couple.

To do this, she seeks him in the desert, then in Paris, then in New York, then in Peking, then in Benares, then in Rome, finding him at last, at the end of the tale, where she least expects it.

While she seeks her loved one, the girl gives each capital and its inhabitants the keys she brought from Paradise.

From the stars, The Little Prince provided the elements that man has to supply to make this world better. In a century illuminated by hope in womanhood, The Little Girl provides the keys that woman has to supply, so that together and united they may return, without having to die, to the Garden of Eden.

A story that is moving, entertaining, educational and above all takes us back to the origins and essences that all angels share, enriching our lives.

A wonderful and wise book for all ages.